
First workshop of project Newapp

On November 13th was held the first workshop of the European project Newapp. The conference was opened at 9:30 by the Regional Secretary for the Environment of the Valencian Government, Victoriano Sánchez-Barcáiztegui, who stressed the commitment of the Valencian Government on new technologies in the treatment of waste in order to achieve the Environmental goals…

Obtención de patente en EEUU

Ingelia ha obtenido la patente en Estados Unidos sobre el diseño industrial realizado para la planta de carbonización hidrotermal, en concreto sobre el sistema de control de presión y temperatura para los reactores HTC diseñados. La patente obtenida es el primer fruto del proceso de patentado internacional realizado sobre las patentes españolas que ya se…

Winners of INNOVATORS 2013 Prize – El Mundo

Ingelia has been selected as “Best Innovation” in the category “Public Private Partnership” on the V edition of “INNOVADORES 2013” Awards organized by the Spanish newspaper “El Mundo”. The event formed part of the first annual Innovation Forum, held in Valencia on February 10, 2014. The forum had the presence and live reflections, among others,…

Ingelia’s HTC technology in European project NEWAPP

A new research project supported by the European Union with the intention to find new applications for wet biomass waste materials has successfully been started. Eight project-partners from four different EU-countries are going to work together on the “NEWAPP”-project for the next 30 months (NEWAPP Website)(NEWAPP Website). The project focusses on the application of the…

Ingelia’s participation in UBioCem IV Conference

Ingelia has been present in the 4th edition of the Conference UBioChem – “Utilization of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals”, held in Valencia, presenting hydrothermal carbonization plants as a decentralized biorefinery for wet biomass. Building plants near the origin of organic residues, it allows the transformation of biomass into a biofuel with high energy…