Author: Ingelia

First workshop of the UPGRES project

The first workshop of the R&D UPGRES project has been held this November at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Ingelia explained the potential of the hydrothermal carbonization process (HTC) in the recovery of wet biomasses. The following link is the publication of the event in the LinkedIn project web:–Xbc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop The following link addresses you…

New R&D project financed by AVI

The new R&D project “Research on the industrial recovery of local biomass residues and cotton from the textile sector through a hydrothermal carbonization process for the furniture and construction sectors” carried out by a consortium in which Ingelia participates, has been granted a subsidy by the AVI (Valencian Innovation Agency), which, in turn, has FEDER…

New R&D project cofinanced by the AVI

The new R&D project “Production of renewable resins from residual biomass” carried out by a consortium in which Ingelia participate, has been awarded a subsidy by the AVI (Valencian Innovation Agency), which in turn has DEFER funds, and therefore it is co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development…

R&D project “0e-Mision”, financed by CDTI

Ingelia participates in the project “NEW GENERATION OF ENERGY USE SYSTEMS OF RESIDUAL BIOMASS WITHOUT EMISSIONS. TOWARDS CARBON NEGATIVE ENERGY SOURCES. (0e-MISION)” financed by the call “MISIONES” of the CDTI and the Ministry of Science and Innovation. 0e-MISION brings together a group of ambitious companies eager to move forward, which with the support of research…